Contact us
I employ one virtual assistant, Antony, who helps with the customer support and administration of the website. If you are a customer, if you have any questions about the purchasing process, or if you need any assistance with downloading the files, please contact Antony at sales[at]jobinterviewat[dot]com .
Our customers come from twelve different countries and fourteen different time zones (all the way from California to Sydney), and we can not afford to offer a direct on-call support right now (I hope to make it possible in the near future). However, if you prefer us to call you, just include your phone number in the body of your message. Antony will call you back (his timezone is GMT, London).
If you have any additional questions about the books, or if you are a customer, and would like to ask me some additional questions about your interview, or are interesting in my coaching services, contact me directly at gates[at]jacob-gates[dot]com . I often travel outside of the country, but I try to answer all messages within 24 hours (my home timezone is UTC-5, Cambridge, Massachusetts).
If you have any questions regarding the book for STARBUCKS, contact Mathew, the author, at mathew[at]jobinterviewat[dot]com .
Thank you for your feedback and support
Jacob Gates, Your Job Interview Coach