STARBUCKS Interview Guide – Brilliant Answers to Tough Interview Questions
STARBUCKS received about one million job applications last year globally, but they hired only 80,000 people (for both full time and part time positions).
I think you can do your math: Only 10% of applicants eventually got a job with STARBUCKS. And it will likely be the same story this year. Same story for you.
Let me show you how to answer some of the questions they will ask you in an interview. This should help you to become the one of ten who eventually gets the job!
Why would you like to work at STARBUCKS, and not somewhere else?
Hint: Most people talk about the advantages the job presents, when we compare it to similar job openings (flexible working hours, lot of part time opportunities, brand recognition, returning customers, job security, relaxed night shifts, etc).
While it is not a bad answer, you can come up with a better one. Think about the question from the perspective of an employer – why it is good for them that you want to work at STARBUCKS, and what they like about the company.
In this answer, you can focus on the culture and values of the company, on something that distinguishes STARBUCKS from their competitors, something their managers are proud of.
And you can focus on the value you an bring to their team, since their goals, values, and working environment resonate with your values.
Good Answers:
I like the working environment here, how perfectly organized everything is, and at the same time, how good and easygoing one can feel here. I also like the quality of STARBUCKS coffee, the variety you offer, and the attitude of the employees to each other. The friendly working environment is just amazing, and that’s the reason why I would prefer to work here, and not somewhere else.
I believe I am a good match for the team working here. On the top of that, your part time offer really suits my schedule at the college, so it’s a perfect match. That is why I want to work here and not somewhere else. I have submitted also other job applications, but STARBUCKS is definitely my first choice for a part time job.
Why this position? (Barista, shift supervisor, etc in a particular place)
Hint: You can say that you believe that your strengths are ideal for the particular position.
Alternatively you can say you like the nature of the job, or, if you have no other reason, mention location, past experience, or working hours as a reason for your preferences.
Good answers:
I have been working as a team leader before, and I believe I can organize people well, and they enjoy my supervision. Therefore I applied for a position of a shift supervisor, since I can utilize my skills, strengths, and past experience in this job.
I just like the nature of the job, working manually, talking to people—it seems like a natural choice for someone like me. That’s why I applied for barista position. On the top of that, it is a great location, close to my dormitory.
This job is repetitive. What would motivate you to do it well every day?
Hint: Daily job of a typical STARBUCKS employee is repetitive, especially if we talk about baristas. Therefore you should focus on your preference to routine jobs. A good feeling from a well-done job can also resonate in your answer, as well as teamwork, and how you enjoy to be a part of a team.
Or you can say that from your point of view the job is not repetitive, if one has the right attitude to work, and look for nice subtle details that change every day.
Good answers:
To be honest, I prefer routine jobs. Once I learn to do things, I do my job well and have good feeling about doing it. No need to do something else, at least not for me.
Relationships matter. If I enjoy the time I spent with my colleagues, if I feel like a member of a hard-working team, it makes me happy and motivated to work hard all time. It does not matter if the job is repetitive or not.
From my point of view, this job is not repetitive. I know that baristas do the same stuff all day long. But new people come to the place, you talk to them, there are problems you need to address, and a shift is never the same. From my point of view, this job is fun to do, and I wouldn’t call it repetitive.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Hint: In a good answer you should talk about strengths that are relevant for the job at STARBUCKS, and about weaknesses that are not central to the job.
One can even talk about a weakness that may be considered strength by some employers and HR managers, for example being over-friendly to customers.
Anyway, you should not claim to have no weaknesses. We are human beings. We have weaknesses–you, me, and also the manager who will lead an interview with you…
Good answers:
I have a tendency to be over-friendly to people. Customers may understand my behavior in a wrong way. I know about this, and I try to be careful in the job, to avoid occurred situations. I consider good computing skills, and an ability to understand the needs of different people as my greatest strengths. I believe they are useful for a job here.
My language skills are not as good as they should be. However, I attend evening courses and practice a lot at home in order to improve on my language skills. People say that I am responsible and it has never happened to me that I did not finish my work in time, or came late to work. This is likely my greatest strength as an employee.
Difficult, or easy?
It was easy so far, wasn’t it? Easy when you saw the answers :).
Let’s try to answer the following questions, without my help:
- If another co-worker were gossiping about someone else something which was untrue, how would you react?
- What would your former colleagues say about you?
- How long do you want to work at STARBUCKS?
- What would you do if you were late for a shift?
- What have you learned in the last year?
- What was a goal for yourself within the last year, and how did you accomplish it?
- Describe a time when a customer was not satisfied with your service. What did you do to fix the problem?
- How comfortable are you in such close quarters with up to five co-workers?
- What do you like about coffee?
- Give an example of best customer service you provided.
- What would you do if you saw someone stealing from the register drawer?
- When are you able to start?
- Do you have any questions?
- Why should we hire you?
- ….
So, how did you fare? Could you answer each question?
I hope you did well, and feel ready to ace your interview! But if you do not feel ready, experience anxiety, or would like to see answers to all questions, I can help you.
But it won’t be completely free (though nearly free :)). You will have to sacrifice the money you’ll make in your first hour at STARBUCKS. That’s the deal I offer you. Are you in?
And this is what I have for you for the price:
In the eBook, which costs $9.95 (you will make that in your job at STARBUCKS in one hour), you will find:
- Guide on how to behave in an interview to make a perfect impression on the managers at STARBUCKS.
- Multiple brilliant answers to twenty most common interview questions they use at STARBUCKS.
- Winning interview strategies that will help you stand out in an interview
- … and much more
All information from someone who interviewed job applicants at STARBUCKS for almost three years.
Something about the book:
- Format: eBook, .PDF (you can read it on your desktop, mobile, or kindle, and you can easily print it if you want to)
- Author: Mathew Arnolds
- Pages: 39 pages, 10,000 words
- Price: $9.95 (heavily discounted from original $29.95, since I got many requests from students who found the book too expensive to purchase)
- Published for the first time in 2014, updated for 2024
- Simple checkout with PayPal, and risk free sixty days money back guarantee
(After the payment you will be directed back to our website to download your Interview Guide. You will also receive a download link and instructions to your email, just to ensure that you will get the eBook without waiting, even if the redirect fails.
If you can not see an option to pay with your credit/debit card once you click the check out button, click on “Create account with PayPal” or “Sign up”. PayPal will offer you an option to pay with your credit or debit card, without a need to register an account with them–you will pay as a PayPal guest.)
That’s it!

Mathew Arnolds, Author of the eBook
So that’s it. I do not want to waste your time with reviews of previous editions of the book, or lengthy sales pages, or some imaginary 24 hours last-chance blah blah discounts, just like many other people do on their websites.
You have read the samples (the four questions at the beginning of this article), you know what the eBook is about, and surely you can tell whether it will help you to get a job at STARBUCKS. I sincerely believe it will. And you can read it easily in two or three hours, it’s not super long.
It’s just up to you to decide whether you want to sacrifice the money you will make in your new job in one hour, to ensure you will get that job at first place, or prefer to let this opportunity slip between your fingers. In both cases, I wish you good luck!!!
Two bonuses, just to make your purchase even sweeter
To help you (or your loved ones) to succeed in any interview in any company.
Learn how to answer the following interview questions:
- Why did you leave your last job?
- Why should we hire you?
- What are your salary expectations?
- What are your strengths?
- Why do you want to work for us?
- What are your weaknesses?
- And other common interview questions
- This priceless guide will help you and your loved ones in any interview, for many more years to come.
- A popular digital recording from a reputable career coach
- Teaches you everything you need to know to win a heart of your interviewers.
- Perfectly applicable in STARBUCKS interview.
- MP3 format, instant download.
Buy STARBUCKS Interview Guide today and get these two priceless job interview success products for FREE.
Your interview can be easy
Interview at STARBUCKS does not have to be stressful, or difficult. You can be the one who interviews with confidence. You can give a brilliant answer to every interview question they ask you at STARBUCKS. Download the guide today and ace your interview!
Risk Free 60 days Money Back Guarantee
If you don’t get the job, or don’t like the STARBUCKS Interview Guide for ANY reason, just let me know within 60 days and I’ll give you a full refund. Drop me a message to mathew[at]jobinterviewat[dot]com with your name, email, and transaction details, and I will take care of it.
Mathew Arnolds,
Your personal job interview coach
P.S. Feel free to send me an email if you are still not sure how this guide will help you to get a job at STARBUCKS. I try my best to answer all messages within twelve hours.
P.P.S. I am still in touch with my friends and former colleagues at STARBUCKS, to keep the eBook up to date.